Mietwagenrundreise "Authentische Toskana"
Z 899 €

Mietwagenrundreise "Authentische Toskana"

Holiday package
Data utworzenia: środa, 1 marca 2023
Ref ID: 4663886
Cena za osobę Z
899 €
Oparte na 2 dorośli ludzie
Data utworzenia: środa, 1 marca 2023
Destynacje: Pisa, Lucca, Florencja, Castellina In Chianti, Siena, San Gimignano, Volterra, Siena, Siena, Florencja


Szczegółowy plan podróży

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09 wrz
Transport z Hahn do Pisa
Lufthansa Lufthansa - LH7400 - Obsługiwane przez: Air Dolomiti
08:15 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA) Alternatywne lotnisko
09:45 - Pisa, Pisa Airport (PSA)
1godz 30m 1 PC Bez przerwy
Transport:  LH7400 Obsługiwane przez:  Air Dolomiti
Klasa kabiny: Economy
09 wrz
Wynajem samochodów
Citroen C1
Noleggiare S.r.L
KLIMATYZACJI 2 drzwi 4 osób
Citroen C1 lub podobne
Polityka zużycia paliwa: Odbiór i zwrot samochodu z pełnym bakiem
Ręczna skrzynia biegów
Nielimitowany przebieg
Wyposażenie dodatkowe:
Gebühr für die Einwegmiete - 75,01 €
Wiek kierowcy

Minimum 21, Maksimum 75

Polityka zużycia paliwa
Vollgetankt erhalten/abgeben: Übernahme und Rückgabe mit vollem Tank. Falls das Fahrzeug nicht mit vollem Tank abgegeben wird, berechnet der Anbieter das fehlende Benzin zzgl. einer Gebühr für den Betankungsservice.
Ogólne warunki płatności
Vorauszahlung: Volle Zahlung bei Reservierungsabschluss. Gültige, auf den Fahrer laufende Kreditkarte ist unbedingt bei Abholung vorzulegen. Prepaid-, EC- oder Debitkarten (zB. Maestro,Visa Elektron,Visa Premier,Carte Bleue) nicht akzeptiert
Bei Abholung des Fahrzeugs wird eine Kaution auf der Kreditkarte des Fahrers blockiert. Diese Kaution wird vom Anbieter unter Berücksichtigung der von Ihnen gewählten Fahrzeugkategorie festgelegt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Wert einer Tankfüllung und mögliche Bußgelder zusätzlich auf Ihrer Kreditkarte blockiert werden können. Es wird empfohlen, eine Kreditkarte mit Chip, Pin-Code und eingeprägten Zahlen vorzulegen.Voraussichtliche Kaution: EUR 600,00
Ubezpieczenie od kradzieży
mit Selbstbeteiligung bis zu 1.300 EUR
Ubezpieczenie CDW
mit Selbstbeteiligung bis zu 1.300 EUR

PISA AEROPORTO - Telefon: +393935904751

Aeroporto Internazionale Galileo Galilei - Piazzale Mario Cobianchi 1

Godziny otwarcia: 08:30 - 22:00


FIRENZE AEROPORTO - Telefon +393935904751

VIA Palagio degli Spini SN

Godziny otwarcia: 08:30 - 23:00

09 wrz
1. Pisa
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: The city of Pisa once rivalled Genoa and Venice as a maritime power, emulated Padua and Perugia as a university town, and developed a distinctive style of Romanesque architecture. Today, the city draws its fame from an architectural project gone terribly wrong and relies on the tide of tourists who flow into the city every day. The most important monuments are concentrated in the piazza del Duomo. The baptistery, cathedral, Leaning Tower, and Camposanto shine like carved ivory, rising out of a broad expanse of emerald green grass. The duomo contains Giovanni Pisano’s masterful pulpit, with its violently dramatic Gothic reliefs. You can make your unbalanced way to the top of the Torre Pendente, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, from which local boy Galileo Galilei dropped a variety of objects in his attempt to understand gravity. Education has fuelled the local economy since the 1400s, and students from across Italy still compete for places in its elite university and research schools and help keep a vibrant and affordable cafe and bar scene. This metropolis of a hundred thousand inhabitants is much more than a tower, is a city full of art and history.
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11 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 19 kilometrów - 34m
11 wrz
2. Lucca
Zatrzymaj się
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Lucca is a city and commune in Tuscany. Its long history goes back to Etruscan and Ancient Roman times, and the city retains pieces of Ancient architecture. Lucca's great era was in the Gothic era just before the Renaissance, and the city contains much marvelous architecture from that era. Lucca's current defensive walls were designed by Leonardo Da Vinci and were never breached. Lucca remained an independent city state until the end of the 18th century. The church of San Frediano is the only example of Lombard architecture preserved without notable alteration, excepting the façade, which is of the year 1200. S. Maria foris Portam, S. Michele, S. Romano, and the other churches all possess valuable works of art. The tomb of the Lucchese poet, Guidiccioni, is in the church of S. Francesco (quattrocento). The Case Guinigi and the Guinigi Tower represent a marvellous example of Medieaval architecture in Lucca. The Case Guinigi were a group of mansions and towers where one of the most important families of the town, the Guinigi, lived. The enormous and beautifully conserved villas and gardens of the Lucca hills have become a major attraction for visitors to the town.
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11 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 69 kilometrów - 1godz 0m
Area naturale protetta di interesse locale Stagni di Focognan
11 wrz
3. Area naturale protetta di interesse locale Stagni di Focognan
NATURE - Zatrzymaj się
11 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 16 kilometrów - 42m
Area naturale protetta di interesse locale Stagni di Focognan
11 wrz
4. Florencja
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Florence is as vital and beautiful today as when its wool and silk merchants and bankers revolutionized the economy of 13th century Tuscany, and the art of Dante and Michelangelo stunned the world. Florence was the centre of the Italian Renaissance. The fruits of the city’s rebirth are still evident in its seemingly endless array of museums, churches and palazzi. With its historic centre classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Duomo, the elegant and beautiful cathedral, dominates the city and is an unmistakable reference point in your wanderings. The River Arno, which cuts through the oldest part of the city, is crowned with the Ponte Vecchio bridge lined with shops and held up by stilts. Dating back to the 14th century, it is the only bridge that survived attacks during WWII. Standing by the river at night, when the city is illuminated with a myriad twinkling lights, is unforgettable. But more remains of Florence’s incomparable heritage than stones and paint, the city’s indomitable spirit has also survived the centuries, ensuring Florentine life today its liveliness and sophistication.
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13 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 45 kilometrów - 1godz 14m
Castellina In Chianti
13 wrz
5. Castellina In Chianti
Zatrzymaj się
13 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 23 kilometrów - 41m
Castellina In Chianti
13 wrz
6. Siena
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Siena is a city in Tuscany, Italy. It is the capital of the province of Siena. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS • The Piazza del Campo, the unique shell shaped piazza at the centre of the city, and twice a year the racetrack for the Palio • The Palazzo Pubblico, Siena's City Hall for almost 800 years, contains the famous frescos on good and bad government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, frescoes by Simone Martini and Duccio, and access to the Torre del Mangia, from whose top you can view a beautiful panorama of the Sienese countryside. • The Duomo, Siena's magnificent black and white Italian Romanesque cathedral including the Libreria Piccolomini, Baptistery and an attached Museo dell'Opera del Duomo which includes the famous Maestà by Duccio. • The Pinacoteca, full of Sienese painting from the city's Medieval heyday. • The Palazzo Salimbeni, built in 1472, is the world headquarters of Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the major banking corporation which has a hand in much of the economic and cultural life of the city. • The house where St. Catherine of Siena was born is just a few blocks from the duomo. • The Piccolomini Palace built in 1459 by the well-known architect Bernardo Rossellino, disciple of Leon Battista Alberti. The Piccolomini Palace is one of the most popular sites on the Piazza del Campo. The Florentine style palace is home to the official archives of Siena.
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14 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 45 kilometrów - 54m
San Gimignano
14 wrz
7. San Gimignano
Zatrzymaj się
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Małe miasteczko San Gimignano ma średniowieczne pochodzenie, a także pokazuje jego spektakularną ścianę, wznosi się na wzgórzach Toskanii, wioska znajduje się zaledwie 35 minut jazdy od Sieny i Florencji, więc każdy turysta, który pomyślał, aby udać się do jednego z dwóch miast, może przejść obok cudu tej wioski. Ponieważ dodatkowo w 1990 roku, UNESCO ogłosiło historyczne centrum San Gimignano dziedzictwo ludzkości, jest bardzo szczególny głównie ze względu na średniowieczną architekturę, zwłaszcza ze względu na wieże. Okazuje się również, że wioska była punktem pielgrzymkowym dla ludzi, którzy zmierzali do Rzymu.
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14 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 33 kilometrów - 51m
San Gimignano
14 wrz
8. Volterra
Zatrzymaj się
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Volterra is a municipality in the province of Pisa, in the region of Tuscany, Italy. The found sites know that in the Neolithic period, Volterra was already inhabited by humans. The municipality was witness to the birth of the Etruscan civilization. And the city was one of the main cities of the "Etruscan League", by that reason was surrounded by 7 km of solid walls. In the year 283 BC, the Romans defeated the Etruscans at the battle of Lake Vadimone and a few years later becomes part of the Italian Confederation, changing its name to the Volaterrae. So the city has interesting places to visit such as the ruins of Velathri, the famous Porta allArco within its walled enclosure of the necropolis and Etruscan era, as well as the Cathedral of the XII-XIII-XIV centuries.
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14 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 57 kilometrów - 1godz 11m
14 wrz
9. Siena
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Siena is a city in Tuscany, Italy. It is the capital of the province of Siena. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS • The Piazza del Campo, the unique shell shaped piazza at the centre of the city, and twice a year the racetrack for the Palio • The Palazzo Pubblico, Siena's City Hall for almost 800 years, contains the famous frescos on good and bad government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, frescoes by Simone Martini and Duccio, and access to the Torre del Mangia, from whose top you can view a beautiful panorama of the Sienese countryside. • The Duomo, Siena's magnificent black and white Italian Romanesque cathedral including the Libreria Piccolomini, Baptistery and an attached Museo dell'Opera del Duomo which includes the famous Maestà by Duccio. • The Pinacoteca, full of Sienese painting from the city's Medieval heyday. • The Palazzo Salimbeni, built in 1472, is the world headquarters of Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the major banking corporation which has a hand in much of the economic and cultural life of the city. • The house where St. Catherine of Siena was born is just a few blocks from the duomo. • The Piccolomini Palace built in 1459 by the well-known architect Bernardo Rossellino, disciple of Leon Battista Alberti. The Piccolomini Palace is one of the most popular sites on the Piazza del Campo. The Florentine style palace is home to the official archives of Siena.
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15 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 74 kilometrów - 59m
15 wrz
NATURE - Zatrzymaj się
15 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 73 kilometrów - 58m
15 wrz
11. Siena
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Siena is a city in Tuscany, Italy. It is the capital of the province of Siena. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS • The Piazza del Campo, the unique shell shaped piazza at the centre of the city, and twice a year the racetrack for the Palio • The Palazzo Pubblico, Siena's City Hall for almost 800 years, contains the famous frescos on good and bad government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, frescoes by Simone Martini and Duccio, and access to the Torre del Mangia, from whose top you can view a beautiful panorama of the Sienese countryside. • The Duomo, Siena's magnificent black and white Italian Romanesque cathedral including the Libreria Piccolomini, Baptistery and an attached Museo dell'Opera del Duomo which includes the famous Maestà by Duccio. • The Pinacoteca, full of Sienese painting from the city's Medieval heyday. • The Palazzo Salimbeni, built in 1472, is the world headquarters of Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the major banking corporation which has a hand in much of the economic and cultural life of the city. • The house where St. Catherine of Siena was born is just a few blocks from the duomo. • The Piccolomini Palace built in 1459 by the well-known architect Bernardo Rossellino, disciple of Leon Battista Alberti. The Piccolomini Palace is one of the most popular sites on the Piazza del Campo. The Florentine style palace is home to the official archives of Siena.
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16 wrz
Podróż samochodem z 70 kilometrów - 1godz 12m
16 wrz
12. Florencja
Zatrzymaj się
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Florence is as vital and beautiful today as when its wool and silk merchants and bankers revolutionized the economy of 13th century Tuscany, and the art of Dante and Michelangelo stunned the world. Florence was the centre of the Italian Renaissance. The fruits of the city’s rebirth are still evident in its seemingly endless array of museums, churches and palazzi. With its historic centre classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Duomo, the elegant and beautiful cathedral, dominates the city and is an unmistakable reference point in your wanderings. The River Arno, which cuts through the oldest part of the city, is crowned with the Ponte Vecchio bridge lined with shops and held up by stilts. Dating back to the 14th century, it is the only bridge that survived attacks during WWII. Standing by the river at night, when the city is illuminated with a myriad twinkling lights, is unforgettable. But more remains of Florence’s incomparable heritage than stones and paint, the city’s indomitable spirit has also survived the centuries, ensuring Florentine life today its liveliness and sophistication.
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16 wrz
Transport z Florencja do Hahn
ITA Airways
ITA Airways ITA Airways
11:10 - Florence, Firenze Airport (FLR)
17:20 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA) Alternatywne lotnisko
6godz 10m 0 PC 1 Przystanek
AZ ITA Airways - AZ 1678
11:10 - Florence, Firenze Airport (FLR)
12:05 - Roma, Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
Transport:  AZ1678
Klasa kabiny: Economy
3godz 10m - Przesiadka Roma, Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
AZ ITA Airways - AZ 404
15:15 - Roma, Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
17:20 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA) Alternatywne lotnisko
Transport:  AZ404
Klasa kabiny: Economy
Cena za osobę Z
899 €
Oparte na 2 dorośli ludzie
Plan podróży obejmuje
Destynacje 12
Transport 2
Zakwaterowanie 5
Samochody 1

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