Portugal & Spanien: Madrid, Lissabon & Barcelona
innen: 820 €

Portugal & Spanien: Madrid, Lissabon & Barcelona

Létrehozás időpontja: 2021. december 28., kedd - Indulás: 2022. május 14., szombat
Hivatkozási azonosító: 143960
ár személyenként innen:
820 €
Alapján 2 felnőttek
Létrehozás időpontja: 2021. december 28., kedd - Indulás: 2022. május 14., szombat
úti célok: Madrid, Lisszabon, Barcelona


Részletes útiterv

14 máj.
Szállítás Frankfurt Main-Madrid
Air Europa
Air Europa Air Europa - UX1502
10:50 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA)
13:35 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
2ó 45p 0 PC Nonstop
Szállítás:  UX1502
Utasosztály: Economy
14 máj.
1. Madrid
Maradjon innen:
Az úti célról:

Madrid has a tempo of its own: The dry air of the Castilian plain crackles with its cosmopolitan crowds. If the illuminated shop windows along the Gran Vía, and the unrelenting elegance of Paseo de la Castellana are overwhelming, retreat to Old Madrid. Its tangle of side streets south of Plaza Mayor and Puerta del Sol are what makes the real Madrid. Spend half a day in the Prado Museum, thaat sit to rest on the steps leading down to the lake in lush Retiro Park. The city begins to live it up as soon as the sun goes down. Madrid claims to boast the largest number of bars per capita of any European city. Madrid teems with cultural events all year round. After concert, play or film, you can choose among literally hundreds of tapas bars and an endless array of nightspots. Madrid successfylly combines its cosmopolitan sophistication with its most cherished local traditions, the result is fascinating to explore.

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14 máj.
3 Éjszaka
17 máj.
Szállítás Madrid-Lisszabon
Air Europa
Air Europa Air Europa - UX1159
06:45 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
07:05 - Lisbon, Lisboa Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS)
1ó 20p 0 PC Nonstop
Szállítás:  UX1159
Utasosztály: Economy
17 máj.
2. Lisszabon
Maradjon innen:
Az úti célról: Lisbon is known as the city of seven hills due to its location, the city spreads across steep hillsides that overlook the Rio Tajo. Romantic and cosmopolitan, the city presents its typical red roofs to the visitors that want to get to know its every inch. Lisbon surprises with its natural beauty and relaxed atmosphere. The Portuguese capital offers lots of museums, libraries, a huge port, churches and palaces and stunning views of the Rio Tajo Lisbon was considered a poor and chaotic city. Currently it has experienced a resurgence in the style of the XIV and XV centuries, when it was part of that vast empire stretching from Brazil to India. The reason for this was the World Expo held in 1998, a new bridge over the Tagus was built and the network of underground of the city was remodeled. The resurgence of the city then continued to host several matches during Euro in 2004, also held there the Delivery Music Awards (MTV) in 2005. Many of its most beautiful buildings date from the XIV and XV centuries, especially the ones located in the Belem district. There are also many buildings from the XVIII century, which are located mostly in the Baixa area of central Lisbon and were reconstructed almost completely after a devastating earthquake that hit the town in 1755. The historic center of the city, standing on Las Siete Colinas, presents steep streets and picturesque alleys. On the west side of the city, there is Monsanto Forest Park, Lisbon’s lung, with an area of 10 km and one of the largest in Europe. The capital’s majestic port has 3 docks commonly used for several cruises and it is, currently, the busiest port in the European Atlantic coast. Lisbon is a city with centuries of history and with an ambitious attitude, marrying the historic with the modern, the traditional with the cutting edge. Strolling through the old quarters one can hear the traditional Fado sung and played in small restaurants in town. In the hilltop district of Bairro Alto, dozens of restaurants and bars line the narrow streets, with jazz, reggae, electronica filling the air and revelers partying until dawn. Nightclubs scattered all over town make fine use of old spaces, whether on riverside docks or tucked away in 18th-century mansions. Lisbon presents itself to the world as a cosmopolitan and lively city, with alternative for every taste, especially in the summer months when its many bars, terraces and restaurants are crammed with people.
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17 máj.
3 Éjszaka
20 máj.
Szállítás Lisszabon-Barcelona
Ryanair Ryanair - FR3615
13:20 - Lisbon, Lisboa Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS)
16:05 - Barcelona, Barcelona El Prat (BCN)
1ó 45p 0 PC Nonstop
Szállítás:  FR3615
Utasosztály: Economy
Díj neve: Value
20 máj.
3. Barcelona
Maradjon innen:
Az úti célról: Barcelona egy város Spanyolország északkeleti részén. Ez Katalónia autonóm közösségének fővárosa és legnagyobb városa, valamint Spanyolország második legnépesebb települése. A városi területeken 1,6 millió lakosú [7] városi területe számos szomszédos önkormányzatra terjed ki a Barcelona tartományban, és körülbelül 4,8 millió embernek ad otthont, így Párizs után az Európai Unió ötödik legnépesebb városi területe. a Ruhri térség, Madrid és Milánó. Ez a Földközi-tenger egyik legnagyobb metropoliszja, amely a Llobregat és a Besòs folyó torkolatának partján helyezkedik el, és nyugatra a Serra de Collserola hegységgel határolja, amelynek legmagasabb pontja 512 méter (1680 láb). ) magas.
Bővebb információ
20 máj.
4 Éjszaka
24 máj.
Szállítás Barcelona-Frankfurt Main
Ryanair Ryanair - FR1681 - Üzemeltető:: Malta Air
19:45 - Barcelona, Barcelona El Prat (BCN)
22:00 - Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main (FRA)
2ó 15p 0 PC Nonstop
Szállítás:  FR1681 Üzemeltető::  Malta Air
Utasosztály: Economy
Díj neve: Value
ár személyenként innen:
820 €
Alapján 2 felnőttek
Az útiterv tartalma
úti célok 3
Szállítás 4
Szálláshelyek 3

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